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Related article: same question. It is said that in America the price of polo ponies of any class is steadily rising, and has more than doubled in the last few years. The Camperdown team has once more won the Mel- bourne Tournament. Coanty Polo Association. — The rise of the County Polo Association has been rapid, and its position is now well esub- lished. The coniniittee hsst shown themselves willing to ac- cept reasonable suggestions, aad in consequence have gained tbs confidence of polo men all over the country. Many clubs have joined, and very sound judgment was shown in fixing the offices at 12, Hanover Square, and apjxwat- ing Mr. Charlton secretary- If the alliance of the County Polo Association and the Polo Pooj Society should issue in polo players taking more Order Prochlorperazine Online interest in the latter Society, it would be a benefit to the cause of the game. After all, the deficient supply of suitable mounts is the one ob- stacle to the spread of polo. If we could once get the market so adjusted that ponies could be bought and sold at fairly renin- nerative prices to sellers, and tolerably satisfactory ones to buy- ers of moderate means, the game would rise in favour rapidly. Id some county clubs the co-op>erative system of pony buying in use in regiments, it has always seemed to me, might be adopted with advantage. For example, a monthly or quarterly subscriptioD being taken, and the subscribers forming themselves into a small limited liability company. Money should be borrowed, Purchase Prochlorperazine Online sufficient to purchase a certain number of ponies. These would be given out to the members to keep, and would thus cost the club nothing. The club would have a call on the services of ponies for tourna- ments. The ponies should be bought in the autumn, and a sale held the next spring Prochlorperazine Cost but one. The subscriptions would go to- wards extinguishing the debt, and if the club be well managed, might be dispensed with alto- gether or reduced. The secret of success is good buying and good 899] " OUR VAN. >• 461 iraining, and it would be useless try the plan unless one or two nembers could be found to do :his part well. But then, every association depends entirely on being managed by suitable per- sons. Everything in Prochlorperazine Mg this world, Erom the State down to a polo club, is a " one man show." In this case two men are required, one to manage the financial and the other the ** pony " part of the business. In the country, where so many people need the services of a ride-and-drive pony, the plan ought to succeed, and should, at all events, be worth trying. Various clubs throughout the country will doubtless be pleased to learn that the Hurlingham Committee have accepted the proposal put forth by the County Polo Association, and have granted the use of their ground for the semi-finals and the final to be played at Hurlingham in July. Any individual wishing to see a copy of the rules of the Association can, we understand, procure them for is. on applica- tion to the Secretary, Mr. A. B. Charlton, 12, Hanover Square, W. A map showing the four divisions and the clubs located in each may also be obtained for 2s. 6d. We understand that the dates granted by the Hurlingham Com- mittee for playing off the Semi- final and Final are Wednesday and Saturday, July 5th Prochlorperazine Tablets and 8th. In addition to the Challenge Cup, the Hurlingham Committee have kindly Purchase Prochlorperazine arranged to present a cup to each member of the winning team. Hurlingham. — There can be no ' doubt that the old ground at Hurlingham has been very much improved. The gain in width is considerable, some eighteen yards, while the shape of the ground has been greatly improved by the straightening of the boards on the band-stand side. The improvement appeared to the writer to be very marked, as he watched the final of the Handicap Tournament from the old pavilion, which is, so he hears, to make way in due Prochlorperazine Price course for a newer and more convenient building. It is always a point gained to begin with a success, and this Captain Egerton Green and Mr. St. Quintin certainly achieved in the handicap tourna- ment, which was one of the best series of matches of its class the writer has seen for some years. It is only possible now to deal here with the final, but that was a good game. The bright sunshine and the clear air made watching polo a delightful task. The surviving teams on Saturday, May 6th, were : — A. Captain Mackenzie. Mr. F. Freake. Mr. F. Mackev. Mr. Goulds^itn. B. Order Prochlorperazine Mr. F. L. Wallace. Mr. Roylance Court. Mr. A. Kawlinson. Captain Egertoo Green. The game may be summarised thus : — Up to half time the play was very even and fast, Mr. Mackey*s quickness on the ball, his dashing style in his running, and the excellence and Buy Cheap Prochlorperazine handiness of the ponies he rode, contributing greatly to the success of A. At half-time both sides were equal, but after that critical period A went rapidly ahead and eventually won the match and the tourna- Buy Prochlorperazine ment by five goals to two. At the time of going to press the Social Clubs Tournament is in full swing, the two teams left in for the final being Pitt (Cam- bridge) and the Nimrod. Ranelajh. — The new stables at Barn Elms are worth a visit by all those who are thinking of putting up a range of Buy Prochlorperazine Online polo pony boxes. They struck one as being almost ideally suited 462